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Effective: 13 Jun 2019 to 24 Sep 2019 Terms of Use archive
SkillsBuild is an enterprise-wide learning space that enables students to plan, manage, and complete their THINK40 goals. As a visitor of this platform, you agree to comply fully with the SkillsBuild Business conduct guidelines and its terms of use. Please review the following additional terms of use.
SkillsBuild offers content in both human and machine-translated languages. Machine translation is offered on an "as-is" basis as a convenience for our users, based on a machine translation system. The translation is performed without human intervention or review. As a result, the translation may be imprecise and may even contain significant errors of meaning. SkillsBuild makes no representations or commitments regarding the accuracy or completeness of the translated text or page as a whole. In the event of any conflict, the English version governs.
SkillsBuild contains personal information such as contact information (e.g.: email address), learning transaction information (e.g.: enrollments, completions, training programs, expertise), and skills.
SkillsBuild is a learning platform for SkillsBuild employees. It contains employee information such as business contact information (e.g.: serial number, country code, department), learning transaction information (e.g.: enrollments, completions, training programs, expertise) and skills.
Such information is shared only with course administrators, in-country and, as permitted by local law, out-of-country managers. Such end-users with access to this information must adhere to all applicable SkillsBuild policies, practices and guidelines regarding the protection of employee information and SkillsBuild Confidential information, and must not further disseminate this information to anyone. Aggregate data may be shared however for valid business purposes.
For technical and business reasons, this information may be transferred to any country where SkillsBuild does business and to service providers as required. SkillsBuild has in place policies and procedures that are intended to protect information about its employees in whichever country it is stored or processed in accordance with SkillsBuild's guidelines for the protection of employee information.
Including an entry for a contractor, business partner or others in SkillsBuild does not create an employment or management reporting relationship which otherwise does not exist in SkillsBuild's official records.
A "Flag as inappropriate" option is available on all entries in SkillsBuild and can be exercised by all users of the application. Any items that are flagged will be subject to review. In addition to those items that are flagged as inappropriate, should any content, software, or business processes that interact with the SkillsBuild be found to be an inappropriate use of the system, the SkillsBuild editors and support team reserve the right to delete or take actions to stop the offending content, software, or business process without permission of or notification to the offending party.
Your learning activity completion information will be shared only on a need-to-know basis with persons who have the proper approval. Your education records will only be shared with your in-country manager (upon their request), since they need to understand and encourage your professional development. In most countries, out-of-country functional managers would also be able to access your education information. If you do not consent to the terms of this statement about education tracking, you should not use the completion button contained within this application.
To request support for SkillsBuild, users can visit the SuperZERO site. Those in need of assistance can submit a Case Management Tool ticket and work with the support team by updating the ticket with additional detail or as requested through completion. The team maintaining and supporting SkillsBuild will prioritize the support requests (tickets) and address the requests.
By adding your name to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) Feedback widget or by giving us feedback in the Learning Comments section, you are giving us consent to contact you to improve the SkillsBuild user experience.
By using the SkillsBuild platform, browser plugins, widgets, and services you agree to comply fully with this terms of use document.
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